Friday, January 20, 2012

DIY Fabric Softener

Since I posted about making detergent yesterday I figured it was pretty logical to follow with making your own fabric softener today.  It is just as easy and inexpensive and you can use your favorite scent.

Things you will need:
White Vinegar
Hot Water
Suave Conditioner (scent of your choice)
     *Make sure you have about 30 fl oz of conditioner
Bowl for mixing
Airtight storage container(s)

In your mixing bowl pour 6 cups of HOT water, 3 cups of white vinegar, and 2 cups Suave conditioner.  Give it a good stir, don't worry, it will be chunky.

For my storage, I divided the mixture into glass jars and gave them a good shake after the lids were on to further mix the ingredients.  If you see it begin to separate after sitting in your container for awhile, just give it a good shake or stir to mix the contents again.

For each load just pop in a couple of tablespoons like you normally would with store bought softener and you're ready to go!

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